In my fondest memories, the Monterey Bay Area had always been one of the most beautiful destinations where I would indulge myself with miles and miles of land, and seascape that satisfied my painting experiences, especially around McWay Falls, or around the Big Sur area in California.
Whenever I go camping with my large family and friends in this vast location, we would sit, relax, and render a quick scene on canvas or draw on a simple sketch book with oil pastels. Here I’m using acrylics, mixed with medium found on the sand at sunset. The colors I chose for todays’ scene include light and dark burnt umber, sand, deep aqua marine blue, teal, ultramarine blue, with highlights of yellow ochre, burnt umber, and some white and black. It’s a mix media that included acrylics and oil pastels as well. A quick painting of a seascape by the bay, put together with a variety of mediums from a few shells and sea plants that washed in from the water.
In my observations of this seascape, I noticed that during the night, fog or translucent clouds created swirls, and haze that glimmer in a few areas of my painting. Such an effect made the painting come alive with these interesting light effects. In contrast, especially close to the darkest sky there’s a dark bluish haze.
Finally, later in the evening the sounds of the waves in the far distance helped me paint the colors of the dark sky with twinkles of light seen in a far distant.
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There will be more observations and art for next time. I’m aiming for next weekend. Thank you for watching!
Art by Marlene Krueger
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Art by Marlene Krueger, “Painting a Seascape”