Art by Marlene Krueger

Seascape Painting

Art by Marlene Krueger

Sunset at Pfeifer Beach by Marlene Krueger

Art by Marlene Krueger

Dark Sunset at Big Sur

Painting Light to Dark Red

The two images above are from a painting I created with a variety of reds on the beach that lasted fifteen minutes. The sea of sunset colors from light red to dark crimson was captured in the late autumn, early winter at Pfeifer Beach, Big Sur, Ca.

There’s a theatrical illumination with the water as it captures the reflection of the sky | and infinite variety of colors due to changing atmospheric colors.

I paint with light to dark crimson, colors of the sea, such as ultramarine blue, or teal.  There’s burnt umber for the rock with a keyhole and some light shining through from the setting sun. Artistic patterns flows towards those who watch. 

Being in front of an easel you feel the atmospheric changes. I can be flowing, agitated, or calm, depending upon the appearance from the red sky to the beach.

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Marlene Krueger

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